Isicia Omentata
Isicia omentata: pulpam concisam teres cum medulla siliginei in vino infusi. piper, liquamen, si velis, et bacam myrtam extenteratam simul conteres. pusilla isicia formabis, intus nucleis et pipere positis. involuta omento subassabis cum caroeno.Translation:
Finely cut pulp of pork is ground with the hearts of winterwheat and diluted with wine. Flavor lightly with pepper and broth and if you like add a moderate quantity of myrtle berries also crushed, and after you have added crushed nuts and pepper shape the forcemeat into small rolls, wrap these in caul, fry, and serve with wine gravy.
(Apicius, 2, 1, 7)
500g minced meat
1 French roll, soaked in white wine
1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
50ml Liquamen
(can be replaced by
1/2 tsp salt and a little white wine)
some stone-pine kernels
green peppercorns
a little Caroenum
Baking foil
Mix minced meat with the soaked french roll.
Ground spices and mix into the meat.
Form small burgers and put pine kernels and peppercorns into them.
Put them into baking foil and grill them together with Caroenum.
These were delicious! I have to say, the liquimen didn't detract from this dish.
ReplyDeleteWe paired these with the Moretum, and it was incredible! The overpowering garlic from the cheese ball went well with the flavor of the meat. nom nom nom.
ReplyDeleteWe seriously should make these every week.